Hello sunshine!

Une petite aparté en attendant le prochain article. Il fait beau, il fait chaud, la plupart de vous est en train de chasser les pokémons dehors de toute manière… Du coup, moi aussi je me mets en mode été, avec de l’équipement fraîchement acquis lors de la Japan Expo ! Je reste geek même quand je fais bronzette avec ce maillot de bain Super Mario et je m’hydrate avec les délicieux Ramune, un soda japonais aux différents goûts avec la petite bille en verre à l’intérieur. Et vous, quels sont vos objets indispensables de cet été ?

Little side bar while waiting for the next blog post to appear. It’s sunny and hot outside, you are all probably chasing pokémons as we speak anyway… So I am also turning the summer mode on with my brand new geeky gear acquired just a few days ago at Japan Expo! Keeping it nerdy even while sunbathing with this Super Mario swimsuit and hydrating with the delicious Ramune, a Japanese soda drink that comes in several flavors with a small glass ball inside the bottle. And what about your must-have stuff this summer?

11 commentaires sur « Hello sunshine! »

  1. Well…it’s always summer here so nothing changes very much. Haha! But camping has been a new addition to summer. The beach is a NEVER everyone is out of school and the tourist season is at an high, we head to the hills and camp. Good friends and a camp fire is a dream for me.

    Aimé par 1 personne

    1. Actually, in order to open the bottle you have to push the glass ball inside. It’s pretty funny and often results in champagne-like opening, especially the first time ^^ Once the glass ball is inside, you can’t risk swallowing it while drinking thanks to the narrow part that holds it in. All that fuss for a soda drink… but it’s definitely worth it, Ramune are delicious!


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